Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25 Jan 2011 Tuesday

In a horrible mood today, I'm so bloated cos I think my period's coming. My tummy is protruding out, feels like there's a lot of poop and water in my body!
Was busy with stuff so didn't have a proper meal today.

515pm: (pathetic time I know.. was so busy!)
kimchi + 6 tuna maki 

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2 apples


Argh... I really feel like binging now.

 Lord, please help me to overcome it.
I shall come here and blog all my feelings out when I feel like stuffing myself with food.

 I know the issue is psychological because I'm not physically hungry, but the urge is so strong as it has been my normal routine to binge at least 3 times a week for about 3 years. And by a binge I mean close to 7000 kcal in a span of 3 hours. SCARY RIGHT? I know a lot of girls complain, "Oh I binged on tons of food, so guilty.." Totally pisses me off when they say this. Puh-lease, what you think is a binge might be overeating, just compare it to the amount I binge on!!!

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