Monday, February 14, 2011

Meal Options

400 cal
sandwich with peanut butter / eg / ham / kaya/ jam (230 kcal)
6 tuna maki + kimchi (335 cal)
Mixed veg + ham (335 cal)
Happy meal 4 nuggets + side + coke light (350 cal)
kimchi + tuna + egg (380 cal)
Salad + egg + ham/tuna (380 cal)
Fish/Yongtaufoo/Prawn/Fishball/Wanton soup (400 cal)
Can soup (400 cal)

650 cal
ham subway (500 cal)
10 tuna/kappa maki + kimchi (550 cal)
soup + rice (600 cal)
Fish/chicken porridge (600 cal)
2 OR chicken + mash potato + coleslaw (650 cal)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Post-CNY and back to a healthy diet regime!

Seafood soup (400 kcal)

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Didn't eat the prawns, crabstick and tofu. Only drank the soup, ate the veggies and the fish.

Home-made Prawn Bibimbap (450 kcal)

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1 apple (100 kcal)

60 minutes workout at the gym

Total Intake: 950 kcal

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The dreaded period

Ah.. dammit. It's finally here. My anus is f--king painful and I'm so damn bloated.

 Is that the cause of me binging like mad the past few days?! My weight is now the highest I'm at ever. *crying*
When will I ever get to return to 46.5kg??!!!!!
Taking a hiatus this week and maybe the nest to sort out my feelings before I return to blogging my intake.

Praying to God, but nothing seems to help.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 Jan 2011 Wednesday

Well, I succumbed to the Binge Monster today.
There're quite a number of reasons why I binged, mainly because I didn't eat my full allocated calories for the past 2 days and I didn't eat at proper times.
ARGH. So frustrated with myself right now. I'm still constipated even though I binged. sucks to the max.

I shan't bother to record down the food today, it's too horrifying an amount.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25 Jan 2011 Tuesday

In a horrible mood today, I'm so bloated cos I think my period's coming. My tummy is protruding out, feels like there's a lot of poop and water in my body!
Was busy with stuff so didn't have a proper meal today.

515pm: (pathetic time I know.. was so busy!)
kimchi + 6 tuna maki 

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2 apples


Argh... I really feel like binging now.

 Lord, please help me to overcome it.
I shall come here and blog all my feelings out when I feel like stuffing myself with food.

 I know the issue is psychological because I'm not physically hungry, but the urge is so strong as it has been my normal routine to binge at least 3 times a week for about 3 years. And by a binge I mean close to 7000 kcal in a span of 3 hours. SCARY RIGHT? I know a lot of girls complain, "Oh I binged on tons of food, so guilty.." Totally pisses me off when they say this. Puh-lease, what you think is a binge might be overeating, just compare it to the amount I binge on!!!

24 January 2011 Monday

Mixed Vegetables + Tuna + Egg

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Toastbox black coffee

White rice + Fish Soup

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45min walk at Botanical Gardens
60min gym

Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Beginning

This will be my weight loss blog from now on!
I'll do my best to record every single day's food, so I won't be tempted to binge and I'll be accountable to my readers. (that is IF anyone actually bothers reading this) LOL